the mob

1480 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast 5 - the dodgy data of the Mob who will not brook NHS criticism and who insist PPE blunders are killing doctors & nurses

The mob is now suffering industrial scale GroupThink when it comes to Coronavirus and especially when it comes to the NHS. We must all line up once a week to applaud NHS staff, we must accept how hard they are working and how the NHS is uber-efficient, and we must lambast Government for failings of testing and providing PPE to staff which has caused too many of them to die. This is the line and any dissenter is attacked as despising NHS staff or wanting old folks or doctors to die. But the hard data justifies nothing that the mob insists and the Mainstream Media and Government in a craven way just go along with it all. Please do listen to what I actually say before lambasting me for what you think I might say. Then perhaps read  GroupThink (available here)  by my late uncle Christopher Booker to place this insanity in context. 
